Kumwell has researched and developed "Network Lightning Warning Systems" to be accurate as Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recommendation and effective according to IEC 62793: 2016.
IEC 62793: 2016 establishes four phases in the evolution of a thunderstorm;
1 - Initial Phase. Electromagnetic field rises.
2 - Growth Phase. Intra-cloud and cloud-to-cloud lightning.
3 - Mature Phase. Cloud-to-cloud and cloud-to-ground lightning.
4 - Dissipation Phase. Number of lightning bolts decreases.
According to these four phases of a thunderstorm, the standard classifies the following detectors;
Class A detectors - Detect thunderstorm during its whole life cycle (phases 1 to 4).
Class B detectors - Detect cloud-to-cloud and cloud-to-ground lightning (phases 2 to 4).
Class C detectors - Detect only cloud-to-ground lightning (phases 3 to 4).
Class D detectors - Detect cloud-to-ground lightning (phases 3) but with limited performance.
The processing between high accuracy lightning data where obtained from Kumwell Lightning Detection Network and high accuracy electric field data where obtained from Kumwell E-Field Network, resulting in a high accuracy early warning of the system. Thus the lightning warning system can be alert in Real-Time with high efficient and high accuracy notification.
All infomation from sensors sent to Kumwell computer main server and made computational model according presetting condition to acheive best warning.
Customer can access data sites of warning and graphical interface with computer user via web browser. Customize local interface with additional warning lamps and sound services.
Kumwell Network Lightning Warning System Configuration